October 2024

Veterinary Carbon Calculator - New Zealand

Following Vet Sustain’s pioneering work in the UK, VetSalus developed a tool for international use designed to make it easier for veterinary businesses to report climate data.

The Veterinary Carbon Calculator, developed in partnership with Investors in the Environment (an environmental accreditation scheme) and Vet Sustain, was launched in New Zealand in October 2024, making it only the third country in the world having access to this veterinary specific resource.

This climate tool calculates the carbon footprint of a veterinary practice, taking into account emissions individual to the sector. It can calculate 'Scope 1' and 'Scope 2' emissions and provides an easy-to-read report that can be used to satisfy demands for climate data from partners, creditors and clients. Scope 1 emissions are from sources directly owned or controlled by a business whereas Scope 2 are from indirectly consumed sources such as electricity.

The tool incorporates veterinary-specific key figures for electricity, consumption, travel, water and anaesthetic gases, based on typical veterinary operations. This makes it simpler and more straightforward for practice owners to manage their climate data. Practices will be able to benchmark themselves against other practices both nationally and internationally.

Advice on how individual practices can address their climate data is also available, including suggestions on how to reduce their environmental impact.

Mark Bryan, Director of VetSalus New Zealand, was keen to see the tool developed for the New Zealand veterinary profession:
“As all sectors develop greater understanding of their potential climate impact, having a dedicated veterinary carbon calculator is a fantastic step forward for New Zealand veterinary businesses. This new tool has been specifically adapted for clinics in Aotearoa, and we’re proud to launch this and help support the New Zealand veterinary profession. Our farmer clients are being asked to understand and reduce their emissions, and as veterinarians we need to be comfortable in this space too.”

The New Zealand Veterinary Carbon Calculator is available with a range of supporting materials to support businesses when calculating their footprint for the first time. Visit the Vet Sustain website to begin calculating your business carbon footprint.

The New Zealand Veterinary Carbon Calculator can be accessed through the Vet Sustain Website.

VetSalus working together with: