Ricardo qualified as a veterinarian from the University of Lisbon in 2000. He was a practitioner for 4 years, focusing mostly on dairy cattle but as a coordinator of a farmer’s association, was also in charge of enforcing the regional control of small ruminant brucellosis. In 2005, Ricardo moved to Glasgow, Scotland to perform a 3-year residency program with the European College of Bovine Health Management (ECBHM), which subsequently led him to obtain the title of European specialist, with a diploma from that College.
He then went on to perform a PhD focusing on bovine mastitis, which provided him with further knowledge in the fields of microbiology, epidemiology and economics. At the same time he performed a post-graduation (Executive Master’s) in Management with specialization in Marketing by the University Institute of Lisbon (2010).
Ricardo Bexiga
In 2012 he became assistant professor at the University of Lisbon lecturing and performing practical classes on farm, focusing on Production Animal Clinics, Reproduction and Obstetrics, but also teaching in the fields of Microbiology, Immunology and Herd Health. He has published 40 papers in international peer-reviewed scientific journals and 6 books/book chapters, generating over 1000 citations. He has completed the supervision of 39 Master’s students and of one PhD student, while currently he is supervising 2 PhD students and 2 ECBHM residents.
In 2011, he started a veterinary practice with other colleagues, for which he is managing partner. The practice provides service for farm animals only, mostly ruminants. He has worked as a consultant on many farms, mostly addressing issues related to milk quality/udder health, calf health, business implementation and expansion, and biosecurity. He has provided extensive training for farm, pharmaceutical and agrochemical companies’ staff, and veterinarians.
Working at the same time in academia and in practice, Ricardo has tried as much as possible to contribute to knowledge transfer to farmers and veterinarians, through the organization of 25 conferences, including the World Buiatrics Congress in Lisbon. He is the former president of the Portuguese Buiatrics Association (2014-2017) and a founding member and vice-president of the Portuguese Council for Udder Health (2011-2014).
If you have a project that you feel the VetSalus network of experts would be able to assist on please contact us.