September 2023

Meet our Experts - Katrine Lawaetz

Alice Geddes

Katrine Lawaetz is part of our network of experts, read below to find out a little more about her work.

Katrine has a background in veterinary practice on dairy herd health, diseases and reproduction. Her veterinary work has been dedicated to Herd Health Economics, Animal welfare, and calf rearing.

Katrine Lawaetz

Currently, much of her time is spent on developing tools to ease the life of vets and farmers, teaching farmers and staff and aiding farmers in their strategic work on farm. Current topics of interest include reduction of antimicrobial usage, change management and bringing the knowledge from the vets to the decision makers.

Katrine graduated in Copenhagen in 2009, completed her DVA certification programme in Herd Health Management, Diseases and reproduction in 2015. Katrine has been a partner in her own practice since 2011 and the CEO of Vestjyske Dyrlæger since 2015. On the strategic level, she’s been on the board of directors in Dyrlæger & Ko since 2013 and chairing the very same since 2020.

Katrine’s strengths lie in the combination of her scientific knowledge, clinical experience, and in her strategic eye for driving change. This includes an open mind when approaching problems, the ability to create a fruitful work environment and in her ability to inspire others.

If you have a project that you feel the VetSalus network of experts would be able to assist on please contact us.

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