Briefing: Fonterra Initiative in New Zealand


Our recent newsletter mentions the move by Fonterra to achieve a reduction in emissions, particularly a 30% reduction in their Scope 3 emissions, which for Fonterra originates mainly on their supplying farms. Indeed 93% of Fonterra’s emissions are scope 3. The target is an intensity based reduction, a fact which while pragmatic, has attracted some criticism. The detailed target is:

“A 30% reduction in Fonterra’s Scope, and Scope 3 FLAG emissions from dairy by 30% per tonne of fat and protein corrected milk between FY18 and FY30.”

News from New Zealand


November 2023

New Zealand went to the polls nearly a month ago and at the time of writing, the exact make up of the new government and, more importantly, the policies it will implement remain uncertain. The National Party will form the next government but it will need the support of two additional parties in some form of coalition. So considerable doubt remains about what impact the change of government, effectively a drift to the right, will have on One Health matters, especially sustainability and climate change policies.